Official Document Writing Training Launched by Our University

2024-02-27 12:51:31来源:[!--source--]作者:Wen Weiyao摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:19


  In order to comprehensively improve the official document writing ability of our universitystaff, standardize official document management and improve administrative management efficiency, our universitylaunched official document writing training in the performance hall on January 26. Principal Li Zhonghua served as the keynote speaker, and all faculty and staff participated in the training.

The scene of the training activity on official document writing

  At the training meeting, Principal Li Zhonghua explained the meaning and types of official documents, the four commonly used official documents, the format and requirements of official documents, and common errors in official documents. In order to enable our teachers to better understand official document writing, Principal Li Zhonghua gave in-depth and simple lectures based on his long-term work practice and experience.He used theoretical interpretation and case demonstrations to explain in detail the writing methods and requirements of official documents, and corrected erroneous cases. The participants said that in future work, they will further strengthen their study, strictly implement the content and format requirements of official documents, and ensure that official document writing in our university is standardized, institutionalized and scientific.

Principle Li Zhonghua hosted the training

Participants listened carefully to the lecture

  This training is closely related to reality, with a clear theme and prominent focus. It is a "cultural training" training activity for teachers during the winter vacation of 2024 carried out by our university. Itaimsto continuously improve the skills and quality of the teaching staff, and strive to create a high-quality teaching staff with excellent political qualities, superb professional abilities, and high levels of education.

  Author: Wen Weiyao


  First Proofreading:YanYuting

  Second Proofreading:ChenDanping

  Final Review:XieNinglian